YOFonts - About Cybertalk
YOFonts STANDARD About Cybertalk

Since I have opened my web site, I have received a lot of e-mails which are totally written only in lower cases. I wondered why. Is this the result of 'rapid' typing without pressing the shift key, or just a fashion? On the other hand, the commands for UNIX, which is the OS of basis for internet technology, are all in lower cases. This seems to intended the rapid typing without the shift key. But most commands for OS in CUI need not pressing the shift key. Earlier computers could not treat lower cases, always upper cases appeared if pressed the shift key or not. Now, it is very common to use lower cases in computers, so, the commands for UNIX are all in lower cases. It is the past when only upper cases on the computer screen. A period of the computer for the specialists has gone. More people have started to use the keyboards of terminal devices for the cyber space - internet. After these things, the characters for Cybertalk are all lower cases. I used bold lower case characters instead of upper cases, intended to use them for A LOUD CYBER TALKING. The variations of Hard/Soft came from the look on the screen. "Hard" is a "raw" bitmap screen. So-called "Anti-Alias" technology smoothes the look of shape by blurring its outline. Inspration for the "soft" complement is from this new technology.

By the way, in 1993, my Cybertalk originally began as a script complement for my early bitmap fonts. This script complement had never been completed, I decided to complete this font as a reflection of 'new' describbing way in the cyber space.

Cybertalk is designed by Yamaoka Yasuhiro 2000.