YOFonts - About Glyphian
YOFonts FREE About Glyphian

Chacters (Alphabets in our time) in Glyphian are based on Phenicians/Greeks graphic signs around 1000 BC - 900 BC.

The key assignment is based on the usage for Greeks, Phenicians characters are in the upper case slots, Greeks characters are in the lower case slots. Phenicians/Greeks have less charaters than Alphabets, I put their 'alternative' characters to make (a little) differences in them. Such as; C, G, F, I, J, U, V, W, Y, c, g, i, j, u, v, w, y. Numerics or the other 'special' characters are not made from 'original' graphic signs in their age.

Glyphian family consists of three variations: Ancient, Modern & Cyber. Ancient is rather strict for the original signs (not their positions; up or down) in thin weight. Modern is the version in the style of 'common' modern sanserif typeface. Cyber is their ressurection in cyber life.

Glyphian is designed by Yamaoka Yasuhiro 2002.