YOFonts - About Pixe
YOFonts STANDARD About Pixe

Alphabet complement of Pixe is redesigned version in 1995, from one of some fonts which are simulating bit-mapped typefaces, they are designed in 1991. In October of 1997, I started to make Japanese Katakana and Hiragana complements of It, for my web site in the coming next year. While designing rough images for web pages, I came to want another typeface like which has both images of digital and analog. So, once I stopped to draw them. For 1999-2005 version of my web site, Smoo family is used. I restarted to draw these fonts from June, 1998. In August, the basic characters have been completed.

Pixe is designed by Yamaoka Yasuhiro 1992-1998.