YOFonts - About Trafica
YOFonts STANDARD About Trafica

Trafica AB Regular is designed in 1993. Inspired from typefaces on trafic signs and Japanese car number plates. Developed taking notice of "indivisuality" in each letterform. The light complement is completed in 2003.

There is a variation for Japanese Kata-Kana; Trafica KK Titling. "KK" is from initials of Kata-Kana. In the end of 1997, I was asked to make a logotype in Kana that is suitable to Trafica AB Regular, and I designed this font in short time. In common case, the hights of letterforms in Kana typefaces have various height, to optimize lookings of their each size. But, this time, I tried to design their letterforms in the same height. Some other fonts for Kana are still on the drawing table. This font is the first one which has come to complete as a typeface.

Trafica AB Italic is designed in 1998-2002. I wanted to try this Italic as not just an slanted complements to the upright. Instead of the slanted form, I used rotated long circle as a basis of letterform. You can see these rotated shapes as Italic/Script letterforms in old signs or logotypes on the sides of cars.

Trafica is designed by Yamaoka Yasuhiro 1993-2003.