Classiq Thin, Light, Regular, Medium, Bold, Heavy, Thin Italic, Light Italic, Medium Italic, Bold Italic, Heavy Italic
| A3 poster |

Just after designing Practica, I began to draw another typeface in 1992 that was tentatively called Garamond Sans. As the name shows, this sans serif face has references to the various versions of Garamond including ATF, Monotype, Simoncini, Stempel, Adobe and so on. Practica is a sans serif face with a bone structure that is derived from Apple Garamond, but one that has a different proportion than the original Garamond. I then thought it would be an interesting challenge to make another sans serif adaptation of this well-known Old Roman style mid 16th century typeface. Modern versions of the typeface Garamond are essentially based on the original cuts by Claude Garamond, however, some of the modern revivals, that I used as references, are based on re-cuts by Jean Jannon. Their italics are based on a design by Robert Granjon. The structure of the typeface that I have drawn is a mixture of these, therefore, in 2002, I changed the name of my Garamond Sans to Classiq.

プラクティカをデザインした直後の1992年頃、仮称ガラモン・サンズという別な書体に取りかかった。名前が示す通り、ガラモンを下敷きにしたサンセリフ体で、ATF版、モノタイプ版、シモンチーニ版、ステンペル版、アドビ版等様々な版を参考にした。プラクティカはアップル・ガラモンから抽出した骨格を持つサンセリフ体だが、これは元々のガラモンとは違うプロポーションを持っている。そこで、この有名な16世紀半ばのオールド・ローマン体に合う書体を新しく作るのは、中々良いんじゃないかと思ったのだ。 ところで、現代の様々なガラモン書体は、本質的にはクロード・ガラモンが手がけた物に基づいてはいるが、私が参考にした幾つかの復刻はジャン・ジャノンが改刻したものをベースにしているし、イタリック体はロベール・グランジョンのデザインを使っている。私が作ろうとしていた書体は、こうしたものの混交だったので、2002年にガラモン・サンズをクラシックという名前に変えた。

Classiq Choix Thin, Light, Regular, Medium, Bold, Heavy, Thin Italic, Light Italic, Medium Italic, Bold Italic, Heavy Italic
| A3 poster |

Initially, my Garamond Sans only had a regular weight. The drawings were on paper; some of them were digitized, some were not. They just looked like sketches that were never completed and forgotten for a while. Later in 2002, I decided to expand the original weight to include 6 variations, and then changed the name of this typeface to Classiq. I discarded the old drawings on paper, and began to draw my new character variations on computer. I still could not pick the right ones from these additional variations, so just before the completion of Classiq, I constructed another family, Classiq Choix, with some alternative characters that included tabular numerals. Choix has a little more modern feeling than does the regular set of Classiq.

Classiq Queue Thin, Light, Regular, Medium, Bold, Heavy, Thin Italic, Light Italic, Medium Italic, Bold Italic, Heavy Italic
| A3 poster |

After the completion of Classiq I decided to make another alternative family with tails: Classiq Queue. I still had an idea for italic characters with tails that referred to Garamond Italic, but I almost abandoned this. At first, it only served as an italic accompaniment to the regular upright Classiq. Later I added shorter tails to the upright characters; then rebuilt the Queue family. The Queue italic looks closer to the Garamond Italic, but as a result, the Queue upright looks as if it has come far from its original reference.

Classiq is designed by Yamaoka Yasuhiro 1992-2013. ©1992-2013 YOFonts/Yamaoka Yasuhiro.